
History: World War 1

World War 1 Footage - video

BBC History - World Wars: Video

First World War: A battalion is born. Views on why French Canadians believed that this war was not theirs to fight.

First World War: Canadians Enlist
Radio Clip

First World War: The most dangerous spot in the world - Ypres

First World War: Battle of the Somme

First World War: Gas! Gas! Ypres.

First World War: Going over the top at Vimy Ridge

First World War: The murderous mud of Passchendaele

Geography (January 2012)

World Human Patterns

Big Idea: How do patterns in human geography affect people around the world?

Unit Learning Goals:

1. I will learn what the main patterns of settlement and population are.
2. I will know what factors affect land use.
3. I will learn how to compare population and quality of life in different places.
4. I will gather, analyze, and report information using geographic sources.
5. I will produce and interpret maps and graphs to show human patterns.
6. I will use population pyramids to predict trends in developed and developing countries.

Below are some short videos to get you thinking...

7 Billion, National Geographic Magazine

World population map AD - 2030

Population Growth

The growing world population affects food and water supplies, ecological balance, and the overall quality of life for everyone. This animation presents a variety of facts and projected statistics to reveal the severity of our growing population.

20 Most Populated Cities in The World


Please take a moment and view the prezi of the causes of World War 1 here.

Canadian Pacific Railway

Canadian Confederation Rap Song

The Halifax Explosion...in 5 seconds.