Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Grade 8's Visit the Corn Maze on Wolfe Island

The Grade 8 class visited the Corn Maze on Wolfe Island. It was a beautiful day, and we were ready to go. After a brisk walk, we managed to catch the 9:15am ferry. The ferry ride was great, the students ran up and down the stairs between the top and lower ferry decks.

When we arrived on the island, White's Wagon Rides was there to pick us up. We traveled by hay ride through the island to the corn maze. It wasn't the fastest ride, but it was very cozy sitting on the hay bales.

Once we arrived at the corn maze those students who didn't wear rubber boots wished that they had. We had to slop through a very mucky field in order to get to the barn. Luckily, the corn maze had lots of boots that we were able to borrow (and plastic bags for when we ran out of boots). The kids were off! Walkie talkies in hand, boots on feet, and mud flying everywhere - that's how I would describe the grade 8's taking over the corn maze.

Everyone had a great, muddy time (only several people got lost in the maze, don't worry we found them). After our maze adventures, we enjoyed our lunch by a campfire and were treated to homemade chocolate chip cookies from the owners of the corn maze. All in all, we were tired, but it was a fantastic day!

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